Toasting 101

Our personal and professional lives will offer many opportunities to offer and accept toasts. For some, toasting comes naturally. They have learned by practice what to say and do. For the majority, the thought of offering a toast makes them uncomfortable.

The key to successful toasting is preparation and practice. Learn when to offer a toast, what to say, and how to accept a toast.  Please use toasting as a wonderful opportunity to Shine.

The Two Types of Toasts

The first type is less formal and is offered by the host at the start of the meal. The host may sit or stand, raise a glass, make good eye contact and thank everyone for being present.

The second type is more formal and offered at the beginning of dessert. The host will stand behind their chair, lift the glass up a bit, make eye contact, and express thoughtful words. The most formal “toasting” suggests that you not “touch” glasses at all.

After the host as offered the toast, the host will be seated.  The person of honor should then rise, stand behind their chair and graciously accept the toast.

 The Number One Rule regarding Toasts that most people are not aware of! When a toast is being proposed in your honor, never drink to one’s self!

Toasting Tips

Have something prepared in advance of any occasion where you believe there may be a chance you will be proposing or accepting a toast.

A Simple Toast Example “I would like to propose a toast to new friends! Cheers!”

When in doubt, go with something simple and classy.

Do raise your glass even if you are not drinking alcohol. Anything will do, even water. It’s the thought that counts.

Don’t feel the need to clink. The clinking of glasses was a custom thought to drive away evil spirits, your host might not appreciate you breaking their expensive champagne flute or wine glass. If someone reaches towards you for a clink, don’t hesitate to reciprocate. The beauty of knowing the rules is knowing when it is ok to break them.
