Have you made a mistake and need to apologize?
It’s very difficult to admit we said or did something wrong. But owning up to your mistake opens a dialog with the other person. This is the time to reflect and take responsibility for your actions. An amends will go a long way, helping you to be a better person, heal the wound of the person you wronged, and repair the relationship.
Crafting an apology that can make the person you’ve hurt feel better is no small feat. You can’t undo what you did, but you can show you want to repair the relationship.
Gather your thoughts ahead of time because apologies tend to be highly emotional and your mind can go blank. To start, you simply must tell the other person that you’re sorry for what you did. For example, “I’m sorry. I realize I hurt your feelings.” Accept responsibility and offer to make the situation right. If you aren’t sure how to make it right, just ask, “Is there anything I can do to make this up to you?” Sincerity is key.
Whatever you do, don’t make excuses. Including an excuse gives the impression that you don’t feel that you were in the wrong and your apology will come across as insincere.
Occasionally we all say or do something that, depending upon our mood, hurts others either accidentally or intentionally. A person of very high moral principles understands the importance of admitting when they are wrong.
Gratia tecum,

I woild send a nice card and a personal note
stating how sorry I am. I would follow up with a
telephone call