
Courtesy and manners go hand in hand as courtesy means putting good manners into practice. We all like to be around people who have positive energy, good manners, and a courteous demeanor.

Courtesy means being polite and treating others with respect. Very little effort is required to be courteous. Courtesy is simply doing nice things for others without expecting anything in return.

When you are courteous it improves your mood, reduces stress, and leaves a positive impression on others.

Courtesy Is

Apologizing when you do something wrong.

Being on time and not taking someone else’s time for granted.

Returning anything you may have borrowed in a timely fashion.

Making a person feel welcome when they visit your home.

Making eye contact when you are having a conversation with someone.

Saying “excuse me” when you walk in front of someone.

Holding the door open for the person behind you.

Knowing how to make small talk and engage in a conversation.

Using a person’s name when you’re talking to them.

Being liberal with compliments.

These small gestures can make a difference in someone’s entire day.

Jacquelyn Youst




1 Comment

  1. When I am driving, I always use my indicator and signal where I want to go! This protects me and others on the road.
    When I see somebody indicating to pass me on the road , I allow them to move and do not block them.

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