What is Grace?


Gentle Reminders

Gentle Reminders

A collection of gentle reminders to help you politely navigate the world.  READ MORE

The Art of an Apology


It’s very difficult to admit we said or did something wrong. But owning up to your mistake opens a dialog with the other person. This is the time to reflect and take responsibility for your actions. READ MORE

Afternoon Tea: A Fashionable Pastime

afternoon tea

Take time to relax with something beautifully simple and simply beautiful, a cup of tea. READ MORE

Parlez Vous Francais?


Do You Speak French? There are so many things in life that are beautiful. Have you ever stopped to think about how beautiful language is? I love listening to people speak in foreign languages, it’s fascinating. Their facial expressions, gestures and body language provide clues to the words we can’t understand. READ MORE

Why Etiquette?


We all have those awkward moments when we aren’t sure of the proper way to handle a situation. We can be left feeling uncomfortable and embarrassed. READ MORE

Fashion Guidelines That Apply To Everyone

17 Tips for Looking and Feeling Fabulous READ MORE

Conquer Confidence

It’s not always easy to step outside of your comfort zone. In fact, it is one of the most difficult things we all do from time to time. An uneasy feeling creeps up and insecurities take over. The great news is when you aren’t feeling overly confident inside, it is possible to override those feelings. READ MORE

Teach Children The Art of Writing Thank You Notes

Writing a good old-fashioned thank you note is a great way to teach children an attitude of gratitude. There are many occasions where a handwritten note is not only appropriate but very much appreciated. Teach this valuable social grace to a child and maybe get back into the habit yourself. READ MORE

Courtesy:Small Gestures Big Impact

CourtesyCourtesy and manners go hand in hand as courtesy means putting good manners into practice. READ MORE

Test Your Manners IQ: Everyday Manners We Should All Know

Manners Quiz

Take this fun manners quiz and see how many you can answer without hesitation! READ MORE

How to Walk Gracefully in Heels

Heels are not fashion. They are attitudes & moments that want to come out to play. More times than not our shoes are the star of the show. We love to use shoes to make a statement especially heels. It’s a shame when they do not live up to our expectations. They looked glamorous in the store and when we tried them on they were almost magical. Then real life happens. READ MORE

Recovery Tips for Dining Blunders

Dining Blunders

Dining blunders happen to everyone. It doesn’t mean you have poor table etiquette, it simply means accidents happen. The most important thing is to know how to graciously recover and regain your composure. READ MORE

Men’s Hat Etiquette

Hat etiquette

The timeless tradition of men’s hat etiquette is a social grace worthy of attention. Yes, it’s still relevant and guidelines continue to exist. READ MORE

8 Nuances to Nail the Interview

Jacquelyn Youst Etiquette

Whether you are entering or re-entering the job market today there are essential nuances you need to know in order to land the job of your dreams. Book knowledge and technical skills aside, the fact is employers are looking to hire people they like and trust. READ MORE

How to be a Classy Lady

Classy Lady

A classy lady is polite, well spoken, put together & refined in her daily interactions. Ten simple ways to be classy in your everyday life.  READ MORE

8 Fundamental Social Graces

Social Graces

Everyday we run into people who do not practice social graces. The people who don’t hold the door, forget to say “excuse me” and basically make you feel invisible. Perhaps they don’t realize it but, the power and effect they inflict are enough to ruin your day. READ MORE

Social Graces Every Teen Should Know

Social Graces Teens

As teens attend more social engagements on their own, knowledge of appropriate social grace is essential. A strong foundation of social grace develops into self-confidence and respectful relationships. These skills take practice, but with effort, your teen will feel comfortable meeting people for the first time and interacting with them. READ MORE

7 Social Graces Every Child Should Learn

social graces

You are doing your children a big favor when you teach them social graces. You will give them confidence that they need to make it through the world. When considering why manners are so important, you need to look at the big picture. Think of how this will affect your child in the future.  READ MORE

How to Say No Gracefully


The tiny little word “no” is often the most difficult one to say. If you are worried about hurting someone’s feelings there are ways to say “no” gracefully. Take a moment and think before your give your answer. READ MORE