Do You Speak French?
There are so many things in life that are beautiful. Have you ever stopped to think about how beautiful language is? I love listening to people speak in foreign languages, it’s fascinating. Their facial expressions, gestures and body language provide clues to the words we can’t understand.
The beauty of the French language is probably the most beautiful of language melodies. It’s elegant sound is mesmerizing. Learn a few basic French words and common phrases, you’ll be pleasantly surprised how your confidence level rises. Whether you decide to dabble or become fluent, a new language expands your personal portfolio.
“Il ne faut pas attendre d’être parfait pour commencer quelque chose de bien.” You don’t have to wait to be perfect to start something good.
Start with some basic words and phrases to build your French word bank:
- Bonjour = Hello, Good morning
- Au revoir = Goodbye
- Oui = Yes
- Non = No
- Merci = Thank you
- No Merci=No Thanks
- Merci beaucoup = Thank you very much
- Fille = Girl
- Garçon = Boy
- Femme = Woman
- Homme = Man
- Amour = Love
- Français = French
- S’il vous plaît = Please
- Bonsoir = Good evening
- Bonne Nuit = Good night
- Excusez-moi = Excuse me
- De Rien = You’re welcome (casual, informal way)
- Je vous en prie = You’re welcome (formal)
- Monsieur = Mister, gentleman
- Raison = Reason
- Mademoiselle = Miss, unmarried woman
- Madame = Married woman, older woman
- Beau = Handsome
- Belle = Beautiful
Common French Phrases
- Je suis désolé(e)= I’m sorry
- Je m’appelle= My name is
- Comment allez-vous?= How are you doing?
- Bonne journee= Have a good day
- Je t’aime= I love you
- C’est la vie=That’s life
Three quotes from France’s most elegant lady Coco Chanel
“La mode se demode le style jamais.” Fashion fades, only style remains
“La beauté commence au moment où vous décidez d’être vous-même.” Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself
“L’élégance est quand l’intérieur est aussi beau que l’extérieur.” Elegance is when the inside is as beautiful as the outside
La vie est belle= Life is beautiful