It’s good manners to graciously accept compliments. Why? When we reject a compliment and make excuses, the person extending the compliment feels insulted and awkward, that somehow their opinion is wrong.
When you receive a compliment do you believe it or do you point out why you don’t deserve it? Do you suffer from impostor syndrome and feel that you aren’t good enough to deserve accolades? If this is something you are guilty of doing, you are not alone. People tend to either make excuses or redirect the conversation when they are uncomfortable receiving a compliment.
For most people giving a compliment is much easier than graciously accepting one. Value your achievements and learn to graciously accept compliments.
Make it a new habit not to dismiss compliments.
Try changing the way you respond to the compliments you receive.
To accept a compliment with grace, you can say something simple like “Thank you, I appreciate it.”
You might find that when you stop undervaluing yourself, you will hear the encouraging voices of others that get drowned out by the critical voice in our own mind.
The best thing about learning to accept compliments is that it’ll give you the chance to see yourself as others see you, which is probably pretty amazing.
When you receive a compliment, believe it. You’re receiving a well-deserved honor, a verbal pat on the back.